Basic Personality Profile
This is a profile of you based on your birthdate and name. I will look at how your Sun sign, birth number and name work together. The 2-3 page report will show you the basic data of your personality and what each piece means. At the end, I will tie these pieces together for an overall picture of you. You will also receive the best colors & crystals for your best energetic self. You will need to provide your birthday and the name by which you are most commonly known. (For example, your full name may be Robert Patrick Smith but you are mostly known as Rob Smith or Pat Smith, then that is the name that I need to use.) Please allow approximately 3 days for this report to be produced and emailed to you in PDF format.
Deluxe Personality Profile
This is an in-depth profile based on your full birthdate and name. I will look at all of the facets of your astrological chart & numerology and how they work together to form your nature. This multi-page report will show you the data that comprises your personality then breakdown what each piece says about you. At the end, I will tie all of the pieces together for a cohesive picture of you. You will also receive the best colors & crystals for your best energetic self. You will need to provide the exact time & place of your birth and the name by which you are most commonly known. If you have previously had your astrological chart cast, you can send that to me in lieu of your birth data. (For example, your full name may be Robert Patrick Smith but you are mostly known as Rob Smith or Pat Smith, then that is the name that I need to use.) Please allow 1 week for this report to be produced and emailed to you in PDF format. After you have received the report, contact me to schedule a 1-hour Q&A session.
Deluxe Personality Profile$300.00